Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών και Πολιτισμού: Η ελληνική επιρροή και η δημιουργία μίας Πολιτιστικής Οικονομίας

Πληροφορίες και εγγραφές στα εργαστήρια –information and enrollment to the workshops


Metaxata 28100 ,island of KefaloniaGreece info@ionionartscenter.gr,

Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

As the ‘’The  Island Journey’’ nears its end we embark on a new series of Art Workshops Drawing To a Close…

To say a special Thank You for your support of the exhibition Norman Colston & Stella Komina Simatou would like to invite you to an illustrated talk entitled  :

‘’The Greek Influence and Creating a Cultural Economy’’

Thursday 27th June 20.30pm at the  Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

Free entrance ,Cocktails will be offered

The talk will  be translated.

Eστάλη στην ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ, 21.6.2013