Πρόσκληση σε έκθεση από το Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών και Πολιτισμού

We are pleased to inform you about the Italian Artist Luca Bornoffi who is exhibiting his work at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture next Sunday May 29th 2022 , 20.00 pm.

Kindly please open the files attached below.

Luca, beyond his excellent work,  has an interest to meet the members of the Italian Community in the frame of a future plan, which has the aim to empower and support the Italian Community of Kefalonia. Under this focus your presence will be valuable , giving us an opportunity to investigate the ways of contributing in the events of the upcoming September -October in memory of the Acqui Division. Luca and the Ionion Center will be proud of your presence.

Warmest wishes to all the Italian Community.

Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture

Εστάλη στην ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ, 27/5/2022 #ODUSSEIA #ODYSSEIA