Ένας Αυστραλός με καταγωγή από την Κεφαλλονιά (Γιαννουλάτος) γράφει ποίημα για αυτήν

So this is Kefalonia, the cradle of my clan,

stretching eternally backwards, through generations past.

Re-living Homer’s visions in the beauty of the land,

an Ionian island wonderland, a panorama cast.

Rising majestic, rocky peaks, bathed in golden sun,

surrounded by fruitful hinterland, where grapes and olives grow.

Villages grasping craggy footholds, show history as one,

of earthquakes old and new, with landscapes scarred below.

Beneath majestic island, amid Ionian Sea,

seething foundations shake, in geologic strain.

Power and fury venting with rumblings to free,

tectonic aberrations, earth-forces to sustain.

Infrequent natural fury, terrifying, well it be,

but between the generations, the calm prevails anew.

Restoration, regeneration, repair, normality,

revisits Kefalonians – their lifestyle to renew.

The beauty of the waterfronts, Argostoli, Fiscardo,

of bobbing boats and restaurants and gift shops everywhere

Hotels and churches, orthodox, for those that wish to go,

Al fresco dining dawn to dusk, peaceful; relaxation there.

Locals and tourists gather, in happy interface,

friendly conversation, smiling interchange and more.

Beautiful Kefalonia, such a picturesque and scenic place,

from the rocky mountain slopes to rippling coastal shore.

KRS  14/11/2015

Εστάλη στην ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ, 12.9.2016