Θα προσφερθεί πλούσια ποικιλία ορεκτικών, αναψυκτικά, γλυκίσματα, καφές κλπ.
Για το Δ.Σ.
Ανδρέας Λάτος Μαρία Βαγγελάτου
Πρόεδρος Γραμματέας
The Vasilopita commemorates a miracle performed by St. Basil while serving
as a bishop. The legend varies as to how St. Basil became the guardian of the
gold, silver and jewelry of the people of Caesarea. Some say thieves had taken
the valuables from the village, and they were recovered. Others say it was a tax
the government asked St. Basil to collect, but then decided to cancel. In either
case, St. Basil became responsible for returning the riches to the people.
However, they couldn’t agree on the rightful owners. St. Basil suggested that the
women bake the valuables inside a large pita. When he cut the pita, each owner
miraculously received the right valuable. Today a single coin is baked inside each
loaf to honor this miracle, and the recipient has good luck for the coming year.
- From A Guide to Greek Traditions and Customs in America by Marilyn Rouvelas
Cephalonian Brotherhood of NY
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Εστάλη στην ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ, 10.1.2015